Bone Density Testing and Trabecular Bone Score (TBS) in Rochester, NY
A specialized bone mineral density (BMD) test measures the density of the bone in various parts of the body. Testing used at EWBC to measure bone density is the DXA* (Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry) scan. This test measures the bone mineral density of the spine and hip. Once you have your test, your results are sent to the physician who ordered it.
The Trabecular Bone Score (TBS) is a bone structure and quality measurement obtained through special software now available during the same scan that measures bone density. No additional scanning, imaging, radiation, or time is needed for a TBS.
Medicare reimburses bone density testing every two years for patients 65 and older. Other insurances usually follow Medicare guidelines. The TBS follows bone density guidelines but may incur out-of-pocket costs for patients. Please contact your insurance provider to review the patient’s responsibility for the TBS.
Bone Density testing and TBS is available at Elizabeth Wende Breast Care in Brighton, Geneseo, Greece, Victor, Watertown, and Webster. Call us at (585) 442-3922 and request your bone density test today!
For more information, check out the National Osteoporosis Foundation website at
- No pain is associated with the test, and no preparation is needed. You will be lying on your back for about 10-15 minutes. If you can’t safely lie on your back, cannot transfer onto the table, or if your weight (350 lbs.) exceeds the table limit, we may scan your forearm instead from a chair.
- Bone densitometry uses only minimal radiation. The amount is so small that the technologist stays in the room with you. The dose is about 1/10 of a chest x-ray. If you think you may be pregnant, please let your doctor and technologist know.
- You may eat as you usually would. However, PLEASE DO NOT TAKE multivitamins, CALCIUM SUPPLEMENTS, TUMS, OR ROLAIDS on the day of your appointment, or we will have to reschedule your bone density appointment. You can take vitamins D and C as they do not contain calcium.
- Please continue to take all prescription medications.
- Wear comfortable clothing, but please refrain from wearing underwire bras or any clothing with metal snaps or zippers around the waist.
- The complete exam should take about 15-20 minutes.
- During a bone density exam, you must lie on your back, and the technologist will perform the exam.
- As you lie on a padded cushion, your spine and hip scans are taken to determine your density.

Your results are sent to your referring physician within a week of your appointment. In addition, your results will be available on the EWBC patient portal.
This test measures your bone mineral density (BMD). The lower your bone mineral density, the greater the fracture risk.
The test is used to:
- Detect low bone density before a person breaks a bone
- Predict a person’s chances of breaking a bone in the future
- Confirm a diagnosis of osteoporosis when a person has already broken a bone
- Determine whether a person’s bone density is increasing, decreasing, or remaining stable
- Monitor a person’s response to treatment
TBS Patient Guide
More information about your bone health is obtained when TBS is combined with bone density testing. Bone Mineral Density (BMD) score is related to bone mass only. The TBS score is a better predictor of fracture risk than the BMD scores alone. TBS can help recognize these people and allow for more personalized care to prevent fractures.
What is Osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is a condition in which the bones become increasingly porous, brittle, and subject to fracture owing to loss of calcium and other mineral components. It sometimes results in pain, decreased height, and skeletal deformities that are common in older persons, primarily postmenopausal women. Osteoporosis is also associated with long-term steroid therapy and certain endocrine disorders.
The most common bones to break or fracture are those of the spine, hip, and wrist — bones can break even from a minor injury.
Women can lose up to 20% of their bone mass five to seven years after menopause.
This condition decreases one’s bone strength without causing any signs or symptoms
Who Should be Tested?
- Postmenopausal women under age 65 with one or more risk factors for osteoporosis
- Men age 50-69 with one or more risk factors for osteoporosis
- Women age 65 or older without risk factors
- Men age 70 or older without risk factors
- A woman or man after age 50 who has a broken bone and a history of fractures
- Women going through menopause with certain risk factors
(Source: National Osteoporosis Foundation)
Osteoporosis Prevention
- Adequate calcium and vitamin D intake
- Regular exercise
- Appropriate levels of estrogen in women and testosterone in men
- Nutritious diet
- Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol use
- Talk to your healthcare provider about bone health
- Have a bone density test if appropriate according to your risk factors for osteoporosis, and take appropriate medication
Risk Factors for Osteoporosis
- Gender — Women are more likely to develop this disorder, although men are also susceptible.
- Age — The longer you live, the more susceptible you become to the disease.
- Heredity— Individuals with a family history of osteoporosis or fractures are more likely to develop the disorder.
- Body Size — Small-boned, thin women and men are at more risk, but bigger bone size is no guarantee that you will not get osteoporosis.
- Ethnicity — Caucasians, Asians, and Hispanic/Latino descent are at a higher risk.
- Hormone Levels — Early menopause can increase a woman’s likelihood of developing the disease.
- Diet — Inadequate calcium and vitamin D intake and excessive protein, sodium, and caffeine intake are harmful to bone health.
- Exercise — Individuals who are less physically active are at higher risk.
- Lifestyle Choices — Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are unhealthy for your body, especially your bones.
- Certain Diseases and Conditions — Anorexia nervosa, rheumatoid arthritis, and gastrointestinal diseases may contribute to osteoporosis.
Additional Resources
National Council for Aging Care:
Osteoporosis Defined: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments